After listening to Rowan talk about Disney characters, Disney shows and wanting to go to Disney, I decided to take her to Playhouse Disney Live. She was thrilled. I didn't tell her ahead of time anything about our little date. That would certainly have ruined the off-chance of her napping. And, miraculously enough, she did nap. So she was in a incredibly happy, energetic mood and could not have been happier with the snow.
I woke her up from her nap, told her where we were going and who she would see (The Little Einstein's, Pooh and Tigger, Mickey and Minnie and Handy Manny (whom she had never heard of before)). She chose to wear a sweatshirt with ballet slippers on it since she was so excited to meet June from The Little Einstein's who loves to dance.
I could not believe how excited one little girl could be. She would squeal with delight, dance in her seat, sing along and take pictures. I could tell she was a little nervous that the characters might make their way down the aisles which would not have been okay with her. But they kept their distance and she was thrilled. We had to come home and look at the pictures and watch the videos.
She also had a fun Saturday with a birthday party for her friends Hope and John. Plenty of Mommy-daughter time this weekend!
Tate is talking up a storm, letting his opinions known and no longer sleeping through the night. He is as sweet as could be, full of hugs and kisses and such a Mams's boy. Which is why, I think, he isn't sleeping at night. He wakes up, calls for me, and cries. And cries. And cries. Thankfully he's happy in the morning; I just wish I was!
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