Friday, April 29, 2011

My Mom is the Best!

Here I am, lying in bed, not even a full day after having my tonsils out. There is absolutely no way I would be running around with my kiddos after a night of no sleep, drugged up on narcotics. Since the doctor rescheduled at the last minute, there was no way Lance could miss work since it's alumni weekend and he's planning a reunion. So my mom arranged for care for Michelle and came to stay. I know lots of moms would do the same thing, but when my mom has to hire a caregiver for her own child just so she can take care of my kids, I think it's extra-amazing.

I also think it's pretty amazing that after my dad died, she just took over. She gets up early in the morning to snowblow or mow the lawn. She called the other day after chainsawing a tree that had come down in the storm! She'll be 70 this year! If I'm even half as hardy as she is at 70, I'll be pretty proud of myself.

So, with Mother's Day coming up, I was making her a photo card and realized I really don't have any good pictures of her with the kids. Or of our whole family. So I think I finally came up with the perfect Mother's Day gift---a photo session for our whole family. Mom, Michelle, Eric and Thy and their kids and our family. I'm guessing it will be better than a teapot or hanging basket or whatever it is she might ask for.

5x7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Perfect Day for a Birthday

There it went. That year of Rowan being 4. The year she became so independent--dressing herself in her idea of a great outfit (today was a pink Birthday Girl shirt, an orange skirt and striped pants with red sparkly shoes), speaking fully in Spanish at school (while it will be lost by next year, I still think it's pretty amazing), using the term "BFF" (though I'm not entirely sure she knows what it means), choosing to grow her hair out as long as Rapunzel's (thankfully it's not there yet and I've convinced her that frequent trims will help her hair grow really long). It was also the year she dropped her dream of becoming "President of the United States" and replaced it with becoming "a singer on a CD". How time goes by this quickly I'll never understand. How a day can drag on for a year, but a year only seems like a day.

But here she is, a 5-year-old. As is always the case, her birthday will stretch for days. First it was a trip to Chuck E Cheese with Grandma (and me and Tate and Aunt Miohelle). Lots of rides, games, food. Last night, she got to have a sleepover in Tate's room which is what she really wanted to do for her birthday. They had a blast and are already begging for another sleepover. Today it was just playing at home in the 84-degree weather. Testing out her new presents--the sprinkler, the Giga Ball. Grilling out with neighbors and eating cupcakes. Playing in the kiddie pool. We did not get into the car even once today for any reason. We knew going to Red Robin for dinner would be much more fun on a rainy day and we needed to soak in the sunshine while we could. Next weekend will be her "friend party".

Her presents included the ZhuZhu Pet she was asking for but did not include the skateboard (?!?) she said she wanted. There are many thing Rowan does well. Coordination is not one of them. Thankfully with all the other presents she got, she somehow missed the fact that the skateboard wasn't among them.

Rowan, you made me a mom 5 years ago. You amaze me with your creativity, inquisitiveness and imagination. I love watching you grow up, watching you change. listening to your jokes (as cheesy as they may be). You are full of life, bursting with energy and always ready for a new adventure. I absoltely adore you and can't wait to celebrate many, many more years with you.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

Every time there is a moment of silence in our house or car, my kids ask me to tell them a story. They probably ask at least twenty times a day. I probably oblige about 4 times a day. Anyway, one such story, many months ago, was about April Fool's Day and the jokes people play on each other. This must have started something with Rowan because she was very excited about April Fool's Day this year.

I should have been a better mom and planned something big, but I didn't. We had 6 adults and 8 kids over for dinner tonight so I decided against the whole "I'm going to feed my family something that looks like eggs and bacon but is really marshmallow fluff and dried apricots". Instead, I just told them silly things. Like when Rowan walked into our room this morning I told her there was a peacock in our backyard. I told them it was bedtime 30 minutes after they woke up, etc.

They got into it, too, but weren't so convincing with the things they chose to do. As we were in the car today, Tate said "There's a bear in the backseat"! Rowan told me I had turned blue. It went on and on today. Every time the kids would laugh and yell "April Fool's". Tate would add "Tricked ya!" or "Joking"! They thought they were just hysterical. And, while I can't say they ever really tricked me with anything they did, it was still pretty amusing to see their minds at work.

Later in the day, we met some friends at the Children's Museum and then had them all over for dinner. These are college friends (or, really, the wives of Lance's college friends) and their kids who we hadn't seen since New Year's Eve. And somehow I missed taking any pictures of the adorable 8 kids (and one on the way). But we had a great time, the kids had a great time and it was a great way to start off April.